Awake, Not Woke Presentation

Wednesday, September 27
7-9 PM in the Main Church

Join Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, the Dynamic Deacon, and Australia's Parousia Media for a special Awake, Not Woke United States tour featuring events in five cities.

This event at Prince of Peace Catholic Church will feature a one-night, FREE parish mission event with an opportunity for questions & answers. Powerful talks plus swag bags for attendees, opportunities to meet the speakers, and great resources available make this a can't-miss opportunity!

The evening's itinerary includes:
-Introduction and Opening Prayer with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
-"From Success to Significance" with Kevin Bailey
-"The Eucharist: The Glory and Presence of the New Israel" with Dr. Robert Haddad
-"How Islam Led Me Back to Christ" with Charbel Raish
-Q&A with the Speaker Panel
-Closing Prayer and Wrap Up with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

An evening focused on the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and the power of living that faith in the cancel culture. Let's be AWAKE in Christ, not woke to the lies of modern society.

This event is free and there is no need to register. Open to adults and teens of the community. Contact the Prince of Peace Parish Office for any logistical questions.


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