
Confirmation is the completion of baptism, the giving of the full power of a Christian. "Confirmation" means a strengthening - this sacrament strengthens and increases what we receive at baptism, particularly the power of bearing witness to Christ. To emphasize this, the ceremony of confirmation includes a renewal of our baptismal promises.  It is through receiving the sacrament of confirmation that we become full-fledged members of the Church, lay apostles in the fullest sense.


In our diocese, Confirmation normally takes place in 8th grade. The School of Religion Program (SOR) at Prince of Peace, has a two-year confirmation preparation process that typically begins in 7th grade.  For students needing to be confirmed after middle school, please contact Ashley Vardijan (


CLICK HERE to visit our confirmation preparation program page.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know!


Ashley Vardijan   
Safe Environment and Confirmation Coordinator          