Sacramental Preparation

Two-Year Sacramental Preparation

Prince of Peace Catholic Church requires children (non-POP School) in Grades 1-6, that have not received the sacrament of First Reconciliation or First Holy Communion, to complete our 2-year preparation program.  

Registration is now open for Sacramental Preparation for the 2024-2025 school year! 

If your child(ren) attend Prince of Peace Catholic School, please use this button to register them for Sacramental Prep:

If you are an SOR family, please use the link below to register your child(ren) for Sacramental Prep (if you have multiple children in SOR/Sacramental prep, you will register them all here on this form)


Year 1 of Sacramental Preparation (Most Commonly 1st Grade)


Students receiving the sacraments in the next School Year (2025-2026)

Elementary SOR (grades 1-6) children in their first year of religious education, receive the Saint Mary’s Press Catholic Children’s Bible and the instruction to initiate and support their lifelong relationship with God through His Word in Sacred Scripture.  Prince of Peace Children's Ministry works closely with you as you empower your child to embark on a lifelong journey of drawing closer to God in His Word.
The first year of religious education, students will need to pay the Bible fee ($20) in addition to their registration fee. They will need to be active and complete all required work for students in their grade. For example: 1st graders will be in 1st grade, 4th graders will be in 4th grade, etc.
They will use the same curriculum as other students their age. During our in-person classes they will still be in class with others in their grade.(*Please note, if your student is higher than 2nd grade and you would prefer they use 1st grade material, we will work with you on an individual basis.)
sacramental prep materials

Year 2 of Sacramental Preparation (Most Commonly 2nd Grade)


Students receiving the sacraments this School Year (2024-2025)

Elementary SOR children (grades 1-6) who are in their second year of sacramental preparation, as well as POP School 2nd-Graders, will be preparing to receive their First Reconciliation (Fall 2024) and First Holy Communion (Spring 2025). 

School of Religion (SOR) students in year 2 will be using Saint Mary’s Press curriculum: Go, Seek, Find (pictured below).


2024/2025 Important Year 2 Sacramental Events

(**SOR & POP School Students)


First Reconciliation Retreat- Saturday October 12, 2024 at 10am (more details to follow)
First Reconciliation- Thursday November 7, 2024 at 6pm or Saturday November 9, 2024 at 10am (more details to follow)
First Holy Communion Retreat- Saturday April 26, 2025 at 10am (more details to follow)
First Holy Communion (date & times to be confirmed) Saturday May 3, 2025 
Email Molly England, Children's Ministry Coordinator, at or 913.747.7740. 


Sacramental Preparation for Children With Special Needs

Prince of Peace endeavors to support special needs families to the best of our ability.  If you or your child(ren) require accommodations, contact Carol Ondracek, our Prince of Peace Parish Advocate for People with Disabilities, at at registration or as early as possible in the school year.  

Sacramental Preparation for Older Baptized Children

Children in the 3rd-6th Grade who have yet to make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and desire to do so, will spend their first year of prep with students of their age level, and during the second year of prep will focus on the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Sacramental Preparation for Older Unbaptized Children

For those children in the 3rd-6th Grade who have not yet received the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Communion, contact April at


Prince of Peace Catholic Church respects the institutions of family and parish. School of Religion, including sacramental preparation, occurs primarily within one's family, under the umbrella of one's home parish.
Children in the 7th-12th Grade desiring to make their sacraments should contact our Confirmation Coordinator, Ashley Vardijan at
Anyone 18 years and older than high school-age attends RCIA and should contact the Adult Faith Formation Coordinator: Karl Osman at



Molly England
Childrens' Ministry Coordinator
Office: 913.747.7740

April Bailey
Director of Faith Formation