Parish Registration

Vision 2023

Welcome Message

Welcome! Prince of Peace was founded in 1979 and has grown into a parish of 2,500 households. Don’t let the size scare you. We have been and always will be a community of faith founded on the principles of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to answering the call of Jesus to go forth and spread the Good News. We seek to do this by serving God and by serving one another in the Stewardship way of life. We strive to create an environment for authentic worship and a rich sacramental life, to help you achieve a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

We provide faith formation opportunities for people of all ages and ask each member of our parish to help us by being teachers in word and action. It takes many hands, feet and voices to proclaim Christ in our world today. I pray that your presence in our community will help us in our efforts as God’s children to be faithful to the Gospel and to grow in love for one another.

Please, let us know if there is any way we can serve you. We would ask that you also discern how you can serve others in return. May God bless you with joy and peace as you seek to serve Him through His Son, the Prince of Peace.

New to Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace is located on 143rd St., between Murlen and Blackbob at 16000 W. 143rd St., Olathe, KS 66062.

If you are a first-time visitor, we have 5 Masses available on the weekend; 5pm on Saturday and on Sunday at 7:30am, 9am, 11am, and 5pm.

We also offer Daily Mass at 6:15am and 8:15am Monday through Friday and at 8:15am on Saturday.

New Parishioner Registration

Welcome to Prince of Peace Parish! We are delighted that you have an interest in joining our Parish. We offer online registration by clicking the red button at the bottom of the page, or you are welcome to contact our Parish Office at 913-782-8864 to speak with someone regarding registration or to answer any questions you may have.

Parish Stewardship

We want every parishioner to get connected. In addition to completing a parish registration form, every parishioner is asked to support the Parish through their Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure. Learn more about Stewardship here.

Moved or Changed Phone Numbers?

Have you moved or changed emails or phone numbers? If so, please use this form to update your information. Thank you!

Not Catholic?

Interested in becoming Catholic? We have adult faith classes through a program called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) that will guide you along your journey to full participation with us in faith. Contact the Parish Office at 913-782-8864.

Find out more about becoming Catholic here!

Our Parish boundaries are:

119th St. & I-35 east to Pflumm | South on Pflumm to 135th St. | East on 135th St. to Quivira Rd | South on Quivira Rd to 159th St. | West on 159th St. to Mur-Len Rd. | North on Mur-Len Rd. to 151st St |  West on 151st St to I-35 | Northeast on I-35 to 119th St.

Parish Locator Boundary: click here, enter address to identify parish boundaries.