Pastor - Fr. Greg Hammes
Q&A With Fr. Greg
What is your favorite part about being a priest?
Being a spiritual father. This is an intentional favorite part, because I know I need to grow in this, but also know my joy and fulfillment in my vocation will come from this.
What is your favorite song to sing in the car?
Bohemian Rhapsody. Why not?
Who is your biggest hero? Why?
Bishop Robert Barron. He was one of my teachers in seminary, but I’ve always admired his intelligence, constant learning, clarity, and evangelical spirit, but also that he engages the culture and arts in a positive and thoughtful manner. He also plays guitar and likes to sing Bob Dylan songs!
What breakfast food best describes your personality?
Kind Breakfast Protein Bars. They get the job done efficiently, but the flavor isn't bad either.
Who is your favorite Saint?
Besides the Blessed Virgin Mary, it would be St. Therese of Lisieux. I love her “little way”—her awareness of her littleness, her confident trust in God, and her great love poured out in small deeds.
Parochial Vicar - Fr. Andrew Gaffney
Q&A With Fr. Andrew
What is your favorite part about being a priest?
Making Christ's love and mercy known to others. I believe this is something that many do not know and have not experienced. Jesus is real, his love and mercy are incredible, and he desires to have a personal relationship with us!
What is your favorite song to sing in the car?
Kickin' Da Leaves by Judah and the Lion
Who is your biggest hero? Why?
My biggest hero would have to be my Father. He sacrificed so much for his children and he has taught me everything that I know.
What breakfast food best describes your personality?
I would have to say a Sausage, Egg, and cheese McGriddle; a little sweet, a little salty, yet still satisfying and filling.
Who is your favorite saint?
Hands down St. John Paul II and his constant encouragement to Be not Afraid and to Cast Out into the Deep, but St. Andrew is a close second. St. Andrew (in my humble and therefore correct opinion) is the perfect model for a priest. He is the first called, yet he didn't sit on encountering the Lord. He immediately went and found his brother Peter. Andrew then mysteriously disappears into the background. This is the ideal of a priest: to bring others to Christ and then to disappear into the background.
Sr. Associate Pastor, in Residence - Fr. Francis Hund

Q&A With Fr. Francis
What is your favorite part about being a priest?
Of course, my favorite part of being a priest is sharing God's love, and mercy, welcome and strength, encouragement and joy in the moments of sacramental encounter. The blessing of priestly ministry, and the challenge that Pope Francis reminds all of us is to live "the art of accompaniment". Or, in the words of my "look-alike", Mister Rogers, we are called to live as neighbors the commandment of love for God and for one another.
What song do you know every single word to?
Do you want me to sing along as I play the piano in my office here at Prince of Peace?!!! That would surely disrupt Fr. Jerry and all the staff! As a music major at Benedictine College, I do love lots of music, whether it's children's music like "This Little Light of Mine", or church hymns and songs from the 12th to the 21st centuries, or even singing along with musicals like the Sound of Music, or Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, or Aladdin!
Who is your biggest hero? Why?
My parents are my biggest heroes for showing and sharing with me the treasure of faith.
What breakfast food best describes your personality? Why?
Cheerios --- to help me get the day started on the right note!!
Who is your favorite saint?
St. Francis of Assisi - my patron saint. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace."
Deacon Mike Denning
Deacon Justin Reuter