These two products are great options for young parishioners to build interest and engagement during Mass. Great for kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors, those receiving sacraments, Easter...a wonderful gift anytime!!
Magnifikid! (Pre-order available until April 15, 2025)
The MagnifiKid! (ideal for children ages 6-12) is a booklet of 16 color pages containing readings and prayers for Sunday Mass with explanations of tough words & rituals, comics, games, and activities for Christian living. There are also special issues for the major feast days (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Ascension, Assumption, All Saints Day). The bulk rate of $22 per subscription is roughly a $17 savings. All orders will be available each month to pick up at Prince of Peace. First issue will be June 2025.
Living with Christ Sunday Missal for Young Catholics (Pre-order available until July 15, 2025)
A great resource for reading age kids less interested in games/puzzles/comics! This missal follows the entire liturgical year (Sundays only) and includes Order of Mass section with an explanation of rituals, readings for Sunday Mass with a glossary of keywords, prayers, and information about the rosary and sacraments. Our bulk rate is $9 per book. They will be available for pick up before the start of the new liturgical year (typically early November).
Questions? Contact Ashley Vardijan at