Parish-Wide Events

Prince of Peace is a vibrant community with frequent parish-wide events. We hope you're able to join us! See below for a list of upcoming events at the parish. 

pro life baby shower

Pro-Life Baby Shower
Donation Crib in the Narthex throughout January

Knights of Columbus & POP Respect Life Ministry will be collecting items for Olathe Pregnancy Clinic and Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center!

Needed items: Clothes 12 - 18 months, Diapers and pull-ups (6mo+), Blankets, Towels, Lotion, Wipes, Formula, Gift cards (Walmart, ALDI, Quicktrip - for mothers)

will & trusts

Wills & Trusts Workshop 

Wednesday, February 26
5:30-7PM  |  Parish Hall Meeting Room

Join the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas to learn about wills, trusts, probate, and estate planning! 

Learn more and register for free HERE.