Facility Scheduling Request


  1. The following Archdiocesan guidelines for scheduling the building on Sundays and Holy Days will be in place at Prince of Peace:

    Sunday has always been accorded a special place in the life of the Church. It is the weekly Easter in which we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death and also participate in a foreshadowing of the eternal life of heaven. In addition to the celebration of Sunday Eucharist, the faithful are strongly encouraged to make it a day of rest and leisure to cultivate their familial, cultural, social, and religious lives. (CCC 2184) In addition to worshipping God through the Sunday Eucharist and providing space for cultivating family life, the Church recognizes that this is a day that can also foster cultural, social and religious life. Activities that are celebratory, communal and occasional, would be in accord with the way we are called to live out our Sundays. Therefore, parish-wide celebrations, donuts after Mass, artistic and musical performances and occasional activities will be allowed. Activities such as, but not limited to, sports practices, scout meetings, or general meetings will not be scheduled to occur between 3:30 PM on Saturday and 6:15 PM on Sunday.  No activities can be scheduled during times that Mass is being celebrated. The Pastor will make the decision if there is a question about whether an activity is allowable. Catechetical activities (Confirmation classes, School of Religion, RCIA, etc.) are also fitting for parish communities. For, as Pope John Paul II wrote, “Even in lay life, when possible, why not make provision for . . . moments of catechesis, which on the eve of Sunday or on Sunday afternoon might prepare for or complete the gift of the Eucharist in people's hearts?” (DD 52)

  2. I understand any activities, speakers, or events that occur on Prince of Peace property can not conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church and any activity that is found to be in conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church will be subject to cancellation.
  3. I understand the Parish Church may not be used for activities other than spiritual or liturgical in nature.
  4. I understand priority is given to liturgical, formational, and educational activities occurring at Prince of Peace and that my activity is subject to rescheduling or cancellation due to unforeseen liturgical activities (i.e. Funeral Masses) or activities in which the parish has no control over scheduling.
  5. I understand scheduling of activities for the ministries, groups, and organizations associated with Prince of Peace will be taken on a first come, first serve basis beginning the first Monday of June in each calendar year.  Scheduling requests for all outside groups and organizations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis beginning the first Monday of July in each calendar year.
  6.  I understand that any changes to the activity indicated below, such as a change in date or cancellation of the activity, need to be communicated to the Parish as soon as possible to allow for the space to be made available to others.
  7. I understand all volunteers age 16 years old or older who will be working with or supervising children must be VIRTUS compliant and are expected to follow all Prince of Peace Safe Environment policies.  A complete list of all adults and teens aged 16 or 17 years old who will be working with or supervising children or teens must be provided to the Parish Life Coordinator at least 30 days prior to the start of the activity or athletic season for verification of VIRTUS compliance.  I understand that if my group is found to be in violation of this policy, we risk no longer having permission to use Prince of Peace facilities.
  8. I understand that in order to provide the safest and most secure environment possible, at no time can anyone participating in an activity on Prince of Peace property be anywhere other than the space(s) reserved for that activity.  Unless otherwise reserved, the classrooms and hallways in the School and Early Education areas are off-limits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I understand that if my group is found to be in violation of this policy, we risk no longer having permission to use Prince of Peace facilities. 
  9. I understand my group is responsible for all set up and clean up of the reserved space(s).


If you are not a Parish Ministry or if you're are an outside organization, please first contact our Director of Parish Life and Evangelization, Larissa Smith (lsmith@popolathe.org) before filling out the below information.

Contact Information
Event Information
Safe Environment Screening

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