RaiseRight (formerly Scrip)

Support Prince of Peace while you shop, using RaiseRight (formerly Scrip)! 

What is RaiseRight?

Prince of Peace purchases RaiseRight gift cards at discounted prices (2%-20%). You purchase the gift cards at full retail value, and the parish earns the difference. 
These funds have been used to help pay for the elevator, chairs for the Parish Hall, carpet, paint, and many other parish maintenance projects. 
Gift cards are great for grocery shopping or as gifts!

How do I purchase RaiseRight Gift cards (formerly Scrip)?

1. To purchase gift cards online, visit RaiseRight.com and click "Sign Up." You'll need to enter our Prince of Peace enrollment code (contact accounting@popolathe.org for the code) and create an account to start ordering today! Click here for a video tutorial to see how to get started. 
2. You can also purchase existing inventory from the POP Parish Office. Call ahead (913-782-8864) to order or stop by the office any time during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8AM-4PM). 


Gift Cards Delivered Directly to your Home:

A NEW and IMPROVED way to buy your RaiseRight gift cards: the RaiseRight mobile app.

We’ve created an easy to follow 3-minute tutorial video to help you get started.

The video walks through how to:

  • Download the app from the app store
  • If you don't currently have an POP online account, Enroll (email accounting@popolathe.org for the enrollment code)
  • Shop for physical cards, e-gift cards, and reload cards
  • Set up online payment
  • Have cards shipped right to your home


Gift Cards on the go:

You can order physical gift cards and use e-gift cards from your phone.
Wallet uses your existing RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) and PrestoPay account, so you have access to more than 250 of your favorite brands available in eGift, and over 75 brands that can be reloaded. Wallet offers the widest selection of electronically delivered products and the highest rebates available anywhere, and all of your orders will be tracked on your account. Wallet is currently supported on iPhone and Android devices. Visit www.RaiseRight.com, go to "Wallet" and try it today!


What have RaiseRight funds been used for?

Scrip has been in existence for over 10 years at Prince of Peace and raises approximately $25,000 to $30,000 annually. In the past, these funds have been used for:

  • Facility maintenance - new carpet and paint in the parish school
  • Project Moses
  • Purchase tables and chairs for the SMT Parish Hall
  • Assisted with the lighting system in the Church
  • The monument sign in front of the Church
  • New sound system for the School
  • School desks and computers
  • New Terrazo flooring in the Gathering Area

These are just a few examples of what Scrip funds have been able to do for the parish. Every time you use RaiseRight you are gifting to the parish!

Did You Know?


  • You can gift RaiseRight gift cards to coaches and teachers, it allows them to pick out the gift card of their choice for the amount of the gift. See the volunteers in the Gathering Area for more info!
  • Volunteers have lists of all the Parish School teachers’ and Parish Priests’ favorite gift cards to help you select for them one of their favorites!
  • Many parishioners use RaiseRight for their weekly grocery shopping or to pay their Kohls bills. We have HyVee, Walmart, Price Chopper, Target, and many more! These funds already contribute approximately $10,000 per year to Prince of Peace, with a very limited number of parishioners participating.

For questions regarding your orders, please contact the Parish Office at 913.782.8864 or accounting@popolathe.org.