Marvels of Mass

Reflection on The Feast of Corpus Christi - June 14, 2020

Juliana of Liège, a 13th century canoness from Liège, Belgium, had a vision of the Church under a full moon with one dark spot on it, signifying the absence of a feast dedicated to the Body and Blood of Christ. After having visions of Christ for over 20 years, she finally told her Bishop about it, upon which he instituted the celebration of Corpus Christi to be held in the diocese each year thereafter on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.

Reflection on the Feast of Pentecost - May 31, 2020

Happy Birthday! The Church celebrates its beginning today on Pentecost Sunday, when the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of the faithful, sending them out to spread the Gospel, and the Church was born. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we hear of how the Holy Spirit came to rest on all of the gathered disciples, and people from across the nations could hear and understand all that was being pro-claimed in their native tongue – even though all the speakers were from Galilee.