Magnifikid! (Pre-order available until April 15, 2025) The MagnifiKid! (ideal for children ages 6-12) is a booklet of 16 color pages containing readings and prayers for Sunday Mass with explanations of tough words & rituals, comics, games, and activities for Christian living. There are also special issues for the major feast days (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Ascension, Assumption, All Saints Day). The bulk rate of $22 per subscription is roughly a $17 savings. All orders will be available each month to pick up at Prince of Peace. First issue will be June 2025.
Living with Christ Sunday Missal for Young Catholics (Pre-order available until July 15, 2025) A great resource for reading age kids less interested in games/puzzles/comics! This missal follows the entire liturgical year (Sundays only) and includes Order of Mass section with an explanation of rituals, readings for Sunday Mass with a glossary of keywords, prayers, and information about the rosary and sacraments. Our bulk rate is $9 per book. They will be available for pick up before the start of the new liturgical year (typically early November).
Questions? Contact Ashley Vardijan at