Confirmation Prep 2024-2025

Confirmation Mass


Welcome to confirmation preparation at Prince of Peace.  I’m so glad you are here!

Confirmation prep at POP is a two year program (typically 7th and 8th grade years).  The program is designed to allow for parents and students to more fully engage in their faith together.  Our goal is to support candidates on their spiritual journey and equip them with the tools they need to become lifelong disciples of Christ, better prepared to witness Jesus to the world.

Ideal preparation for ALL 1st year students (unless otherwise specified) includes:

  • Completion of online lessons at home with a parent/sponsor or in person at study group OR enrollment in POP school
  • Completion of individually proposed stewardship project
  • Fall retreat attendance (September 28, 2024)
  • Completion of assignments to aid in choosing a saint (or enrollment in POP school)
  • Spring retreat attendance (April 5, 2025)
  • Submission of information for chosen sponsor
  • Receiving of the sacrament of reconciliation at least once per semester
  • Open, optional invitation - Monthly group night meeting attendance (in person)


Ideal preparation for ALL 2nd year students (unless otherwise specified) includes:

  • Completion of online lessons at home with a parent/sponsor or in person at study group OR enrollment in POP school
  • Monthly group night meeting attendance (in person)
  • Completion of individually proposed stewardship project
  • Commitment to a parish ministry
  • Fall retreat attendance (October 11, 2024)
  • Completion of assignments related to chosen saint (or enrollment in POP school)
  • Spring retreat attendance (March 29, 2025)
  • Completion of assignments related to chosen sponsor
  • Receiving of the sacrament of reconciliation at least once per semester
  • First and final draft of letter written to the presider(s) for confirmation Mass
  • Pre-confirmation interview


1st Year Confirmation Prep Calendar 

2nd Year Confirmation Prep Calendar

1st Year2nd Year

Exciting, enhanced learning opportunity for all confirmation students:  Weekly study group meetings to discuss and complete assigned lessons with other confirmation students.  Instead of completing your lessons alone, at home, online this is a chance to be in-person, face-to-face with your peers more frequently.  This study group will meet on Wednesday evenings @ 6-7:30pm.  (Please let us know if you're interested HERE!)

(Optional) Confirmation Study Group Calendar


Interested in volunteering with our confirmation program?  
Please contact me, I would love to chat with you!


Needing to be confirmed after middle school?  
No problem, I look forward to chatting with you about options!


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know!


Ashley Vardijan   
Safe Environment and Confirmation Coordinator          