This Sunday, as always on the 2nd Sunday of Lent, we have the Gospel reading of the Transfiguration.
Our opening song is a retelling of the Gospel narrative – “’Tis Good, Lord, to be Here”. We also here the story in a more modern rendition at Communion with ‘Transfigure Us, O Lord”. In this song, the narrative is transformed a bit as we are asking to be transfigured – ‘break the chains that bind us; speak your healing word, and where you lead we’ll follow.’ Once again, we’re asking for our lives to be changed. Remember from last week about taking the gold out of your life and replacing it with wood – simplifying life and getting back to what’s important? That same theme follows us into this week. Let us truly search for transfigurations in our lives this week. Start with one simple thing and see what a difference it can make. Turn that time into prayer instead of whatever it was used for before. You’ll be transformed if you just ask.