Welcome (Back), Deacon Joe - June 30, 2024

This week, I am excited to share more about Deacon Joe Allen! Welcome (back) home to Prince of Peace, Deacon Joe!

In Christ,
Fr. Greg


Dcn. JoeHi Prince of Peace Family!!!  My name is Deacon Joe Allen and I'm excited and very blessed to be coming back home to you July 1st!  I say "coming back home" because my wife Tina and I and our family (our kids are all grown now) were parishioners at Prince of Peace for 19 years.  Tina and I were married here, our kids received their sacraments here, and you may remember us being very active in teaching S.O.R., volunteering for RCIA, and many other activities!

I was ordained a permanent deacon in 2017 (My Friend Deacon Mike Denning and I were in the same cohort/class).  Currently I work full time as a Hospice Chaplain for Catholic Community Health, an amazing ministry here in KC which includes Villa St. Francis, Catholic Hospice, and Catholic In Home Support.  I also serve as the Kansas State Chaplain for the Daughters of Isabella.  Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and being a huge Royals and Chiefs Fan!

As a past member of PoP's Fatima Prayer Cell, I have a special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, who played a role in deepening my faith.  With her help, my overall goal is to assist Fathers Greg, Francis, Andrew and Deacons Mike, Justin, Dan, and Leon and all of our Parish Staff, Catholic School, and Faith Formation Office in helping each one of you to build up a deep intense love and personal relationship with Jesus's REAL PRESENCE in the Holy Eucharist, that you won't find anywhere else. 

I'm looking forward to meeting you, please come say hi to me, I'll be very friendly, and God Bless You All!

-Deacon Joe Allen