Fr. Greg

Slow Down this Fast Advent - December 3, 2023

Happy Advent! Happy New Church Year! We have the shortest possible Advent season this year, so things are going to move fast. Christmas falls on a Monday, therefore the fourth week of Advent consists only of Sunday resulting in an Advent more like 3 weeks than 4 this year. Now, the idea of Advent is really to watch, wait, and prepare so we must make some intentional efforts to slow things down and pray to make this a good Advent.

Hell - November 26, 2023

“God is the infinitely good and merciful Father. But man, called to respond to him freely, can unfortunately choose to reject his love and forgiveness once and for all, thus separating himself for ever from joyful communion with him. It is precisely this tragic situation that Christian doctrine explains when it speaks of eternal damnation or hell. It is not a punishment imposed externally by God but a development of premises already set by people in this life.

Death - November 5, 2023

As we move into the month of November, we enter into the final Sundays of our liturgical year. The first Sunday of our liturgical year begins with the 1st Sunday of Advent. The readings at the end of the liturgical year always turn to what we call eschatological realities. This is a fancy way of referring to the Last Four Things; that being of Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell. Over the next 4 Sundays, I would like to dedicate an article to each of these four things.

Halloween, All Saints & All Souls - October 29, 2023

Since Halloween is Tuesday, I’d like to start with a few skeleton and ghost jokes:
Why can’t skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.
How do ghosts stay in shape? By exorcising.
Why do skeletons and ghosts love Sundays? Because they are dying to hear our homilies!
What is a ghost’s favorite response at Mass? “And with your spirit.”
What is a ghost’s favorite hymn at Mass? “Come Holy Ghost”
Why can’t skeletons fulfill the greatest commandment of Jesus? Because they have no hearts, souls, or minds.

Vineyards and Radical Solidarity - October 8, 2023

October is Respect Life Month. This Sunday, the 27th of Ordinary Time Year A, we are presented in both the first reading and the gospel with parables using the image of a vineyard. A vineyard is a place of life. It is meant to be fertile, to be carefully cultivated, and thus to bear a rich harvest of grapes. However, in both parables, instead of life, we find violence and death. The first reading: ”The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, the people of Judah, his cherished plant; He waited for judgment, but see, bloodshed!